Hi and thanks for reading and praying! My Sol Sister was here for a little over 2 weeks and we had a good time going down to the lake, exploring Capitol Hill, trying out some local eats and hanging out. We have done quite a bit of traveling together and we always laugh alot and get on really well. I'm super thankful for her and that she's able to work remotely (I found a silver lining!) and has been since March. Now Rick is back and my heart is both soaring and peaceful. I am now 28 days post-transplant and my blood numbers look good! My neutrophils (which are what they look at to measure your ability to fight off infection), are up to 1.14. While this is still outside of the normal range, it's enough for them to relax about things like going to get a haircut, etc. My platelets are at 93, and while still low, is the highest they've been in over 20 years as far as I know, and my hemoglobin/hematocrit is 9.0/26. They actually do blood transfusions here when a person has ...