Sailing class on Lake Union (view from apartment) Hi again friends! It's day 39 post transplant. Just a quick update on my progress: all of the numbers that I have been watching continue to do pretty well. My hemoglobin, hematocrit and platelets have maintained about the same level since the last time and my neutrophils continue to climb. Also my face has much improved. (Praise hands!) The real news on the medical front is that they did a chimerism test to see what percent of the marrow is the donors. They measured two numbers: CD33+ cells (which were 100%) and CD3+ cells which were only 17%. This is quite low and they would have liked to have seen this number at at least 50% by this time. Eventually this should also be 100%. My doctor has a plan to retest me on Thursday the 13th (2 weeks after the initial test) to see two points to compare and note the trend. In the meantime, they've contacted my donor to see if he is unavailable on any dates in the near future to donate T...